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Atlantis the Lost Continent Finally Found Page 5
Atlantis the Lost Continent Finally Found Read online
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In the past 12,000 years or so which have elapsed since the end of the Ice Age, we humans have again managed to rebuild Civilization. And this reconstruction was essentially from scratch, so utter and so global was the destruction triggered by the Atlantean cataclysm.
Of course, the “seeds” left us by Atlantis-Eden greatly speeded this process of recovery. The establishment of the original Civilization must naturally have taken a far greater lapse of time. Inventions are difficult to make and costly to implement. They are hence few and far between. And such was particularly the case in antiquity, when cultures were far more conservative than today.
In the past two centuries we humans had the luck of discovering a great many lost civilizations which had left no visible records nor visible remains: Sumer; Troy; the Indus Valley Culture; Tartessos; Angkor; Minoan Crete, Mycenian Greece, Tocharia, Dvaraka, Chichén Itzá, and so forth.
Most of these lost civilizations were only mentioned in the mythological records and were found by romantic amateur researchers such as Heinrich Schliemann and A. Le Plongeon, who took the ancient traditions as verbatim fact, and followed the ancient texts to the letter.
Why would the traditions on Atlantis-Eden as the site of the Terrestrial Paradise be false if they are told over and over again essentially by all peoples on earth? Why would the ancients all lie, when they should far more likely attempt to appropriate the seminal discoveries such as Agriculture and Metallurgy as their own, had these discoveries really been made by their own people?
Quite likely, the interest in Atlantis is fostered by an instinctive belief that we humans are something more than mere beasts of the field that deserve little more than the daily swill, the panis et circenses of which the Roman rulers spoke with flagrant contempt.
Perhaps it is really true that we humans indeed came from Paradise in the very distant past, and just forgot our divine origins there. And perhaps we just stumbled and fell, more or less like Adam and Lucifer and Atlas, and other such corrupted gods and heroes.
But are we now finally ready to get up again and resume the path that leads to the more heavenly pursuits of which Plato and other ancient sages spoke? Or, perhaps, we are merely all afraid that the cataclysm which once was may be again. So, we willingly feign that it never really happened and that Atlantis-Eden never really existed except in the minds of certain moralists and Bible-thumpers, Plato included among them.
However, no one can sanely deny anymore that the world now again stands at the brink of destruction due to a hubris and arrogance no lesser than that of the Atlanteans themselves; one that drives us all into endless wars fed by endless greed. Nor can anyone sanely deny anymore the reality of past cataclysms of the type described by Plato, despite the contrary assertions of Darwin and Lyell.
The Quest for Lost Atlantis Is Only Now Feasible
In the last few decades, the search for vestiges of Lost Atlantis has become a far more promising prospect than was ever possible in the past. We now possess scuba-diving equipment which allows the exploration of the shallower sections of the sea. We also now have equipment such as minisubs, sidescan sonars and ROVs which allow us to peek into the deeper seas.
And we also possess well-equipped oceanographic ships and even space satellites which allow us to film or map the oceanographic bottoms down to any depth and to any scale and detail one might possibly desire in the quest for elusive Atlantis.
Additionally, these ships and these institutions have highly qualified technicians and professional scientists, trained in Oceanography and related sciences, who are able to scan and interpret the often elusive vestiges of a sunken civilization of long ago.
Moreover, these scientists now have far more realistic views on Climatic Changes, Catastrophism and on Evolution, which are a far cry from the Victorian doctrines of Darwin and Lyell.
These foolish, Panglossian doctrines are unfortunately still prevalent in the academic curricula of all nations on earth. But they are fast falling in general discredit and will be soon trashed, I am sure, despite the ferocious opposition of reactionaries of all callings and all specialties.
And so will also die out a host of current academic disciplines founded on outright lies dating from Victorian times, the so-called “splitterisms” in particular. Their sole, exclusive intention was the one of providing a pseudo-scientific justification for Colonialism, White-Supremacism and other such now outdated doctrines. ↑008
All that is really needed now is to put this formidable paraphernalia to the service of a good cause instead of merely using them for bellicose purposes such as warfare, conquest, domination and espionage.
Again, human and earth sciences such as Oceanography, Geology, Climatology, Seismology, Anthropology, Linguistics, Paleoanthropology, Comparative Religion and Mythology have made enormous strides over the last decades despite the usual conservatism of their academic masters.
Hence, these and other related disciplines may now be put to the service of Atlantis. All that is lacking is the enthusiasm to do so, and to honestly start the quest for Paradise Lost. This quest is, as I have found out, quite akin to the one for the Holy Grail. It is hence the most important research anyone can ever think of, bar none.
The study of sunken coastlines, of the shallower marginal seafloors, and the use of new equipments such as the research sonars and ROVs just mentioned have revolutionized the whole proposition. These techniques have become so precise that they are now used to prospect for ancient shipwrecks and to hunt for submerged treasures, including objects as small as metal coins, statues and ceramic vases such as amphorae and rhytons.
Within the last few years – perhaps stimulated by my own researches on the subject – the whole subject of Atlantology has again gained considerable respectability and interest both among the general public and even within some academic circles. Certain Greek scholars of a high repute are in the process of organizing a worldwide conference of the reality of Atlantis, and have already obtained the following of a great number of participants from all over the world, myself included. ↑009
As is clear, the entire situation is currently starting to change. The pieces of the gigantic jigsaw puzzle bequeathed us by our elders are finally beginning to fall in place. It is true that the completion of the whole pattern – the crowning piece, so to say – would be the finding of submerged temples, palaces, walls, statues, roads, smaller artefacts and other such archaeological items.
Hopefully, these artefacts will be reliably dated and unequivocally ascribed to Atlantis itself and no other civilization or colony of later epochs. But this type of find will only occur when we start looking in the right spots, rather than in the wrong ones, as up to now.
It is a pity that so many amateur researchers cry “Atlantis” or “Eureka” whenever any piece of rubble or any impossible artefact, real or not, is found, either on the ground or at any depth.
These finds are often impossibly deep, as is the case of Sarmast’s Cyprus and Zelitsky’s Cuba, to name just two. Or they are placed in unlikely sites such as Antarctica, Brazil or the Bolivian Andes, which very obviously never sank, at least in the times of Man. But these more obvious frauds are fast being exposed by the experts, and are hence short-lived even in the sensationalist media.
We have ourselves already unequivocally located some archaeological artefacts in the shallow seas of the Indonesian region. Some of these were photographed from outer space by NASA’s and NOAA’s spy satellites; some observed from the surface by more local methods.
So clear are these vestiges that we are currently in the process of organizing an oceanographic expedition to their site, in order to take a closer look at them. We want to run no risks of over-optimism. And we do not want to risk having sensationalists or ambitious treasure-hunters rushing to the place and claiming my finds as their own, as has unfortunately already happened in the recent past.
Some people are extremely greedy. The mere mention of “Atlantis” or “Paradise” is sufficient to set t
heir brows burning with gold fever, just as it did in the times of Columbus and other conquistadors. And they will stop at nothing for the sake of gain.
I beg my dear readers to be patient, just as I have been myself. I well know that it is frustrating to have to wait until reliable evidence develops. But it is better this way. Better than being frustrated by false finds and false claims, as has been so often the case with Atlantis. Besides, this type of scientific research is extremely costly and hence quite difficult to undertake.
Dozens of sites and dozens of evidences, sunken or not, have been discovered over the past years off the coasts of Florida, Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela, the Bahamas, the Bermudas, and so on. The same is also true even of India, where very promising sites and artefacts have been discovered by Indian archaeologists: in Dwarka, in Mahabalipuram, and other coastal locations.
This is also true of Spain and Portugal. Even remote Japan – this specific spot quite near my own Far Eastern site – has yielded submarine features which many mistakenly believe are artificial, but which are no more than mere geological artefacts of a natural origin. These alleged finds are all illusions, and have not withstood the test of time or of a more thorough scientific scrutiny.
One should not be misled by the fact that unequivocal vestiges of Atlantis are found just about everywhere in the world. Very often, this is the result of over-optimism on the part of the proponents of impossible sites. But sometimes, these vestiges are quite real.
After all, Atlantis was indeed a worldwide empire, despite the widespread incredulity of most academics. So, Atlantis left its cultural and religious imprints just about everywhere in the world. And it is often this indirect diffusional influence that is found, rather than Atlantean artefacts proper.
A Major Scientific Revolution in the Making
The crucial parameters in the search of Lost Atlantis are the dates and the submergence depths. If the archaeological objects can be dated – and they often can, if really authentic and really crucial work is done – the date has to be consonant with the Pleistocenic ones of Plato.
And their depth has also to be correct, and should lie at around 50 meters or so, the depth which corresponds to the right date given by sea level rise. All the rest is sheer illusion and must not be accepted unless they can be verified and validated in some independent way.
If these two parameters – time and submersion depth – are not acceptable, the artefact must be dismissed as a priori impossible by all serious researchers. This, unless some reliable explanation is offered for the discrepancy. And this has to be compelling enough to convince the scientific community at large, if we in fact want to earn both their respect and their recognition.
Unbiased scientific recognition for Atlantis and related issues is extremely difficult if not impossible to get nowadays. But it is ideally required, unless the find is so compelling and so unequivocal as to be irrefutable and convincing by itself.
The science of Atlantology is fast becoming a politically-correct academic discipline. And it has already started a revolution which cannot be stopped anymore. This revolution promises to radically change the whole outlook of the Human Sciences in general, and of Anthropology and Religion in particular.
As is clear, what was once deemed sheer legend is fast turning into hard scientific fact, given the recent advances in marine archaeology and in reliable radiocarbon dating, etc.. We can only anticipate that even more remarkable finds will be made in the forthcoming years, now that the true location of Atlantis is known for sure, at least to believe the many adherents of my theory.
No one has any doubts today that these finds and these advances could be of crucial importance to mankind as a whole. They would force us humans to change the current paradigm on what we take to be the whole prehistory of mankind.
Above all, we will have to revise the stupid notion that our ancestors were all semi-morons incapable of any advance down to a mere 10,000 years or so ago, as if some sort of magic event had happened then, allowing the start of the Neolithic Age.
What actually happened was the catastrophic end of the Pleistocene. And all specialists well know that such catastrophic events set back the species, rather than improve them.
So, how could this terrible global cataclysm be an exception to this well-known evolutionary rule? This was also the case with humans, who apparently underwent a considerable reduction in both physical size and brain size, both of which reached as much as 30% in the average.
A far more logical explanation is the one I gave over two decades ago. The cataclysm caused Atlantis to sink away under the waters, forcing the scarce survivors out.
In their diaspora, these scant survivors moved to other places in the world, the Americas included. And they brought along the “seeds” of Civilization, the agricultural ones included, which they transmitted to the peoples they encountered in their newly adopted homelands.
Since this event – reported in the sacred traditions of essentially all peoples on earth – occurred soon after the catastrophic end of the Pleistocene, the fact that the Neolithic Revolution also started at about that date should come as no surprise to those who accept this far more logical account of facts.
Moreover, this date also closely coincides with the one of 11,600 BP for Atlantis’ demise, as given by Plato. And this is again an uncanny coincidence, particularly when we consider the fact that the very possibility of global cataclysms is even today vehemently denied by the academic scholars.
As I just said, this revolutionary proposal of mine also agrees with the sacred traditions of essentially all peoples on earth concerning the Civilizing Heroes who came down from Paradise and brought to them the seeds of Civilization. Why would they all lie, particularly considering the holy character of this sacred tradition which figures even in the Bible?
Why would all human advancement be stymied for the millions of years during which humans have existed and, above all, for the last million years, when we humans have existed in essentially the modern form of Homo sapiens and then start all of a sudden a mere ten thousand years ago? The a priori odds against this eventuality are simply overwhelming.
And the explanations so far offered are all essentially shallow and scientifically untenable. One such is that Agriculture was actually impossible during the Ice Age, and hence never developed till this age was over. But this allegation is now known to be false.
The Chinese archaeologists and other such researchers have now demonstrated by actual finds of antique artefacts such as grains and tools that rice agriculture was already developed in the Far East as early as 15,000 years ago (in Korea, etc.), and probably much earlier than that, and hence during the Pleistocene Ice Age itself. We will enlarge on this important issue in the main text, further below. ↑010
These researchers also managed to prove that wild rice cropping started as early as 25,000 years ago, and probably even earlier. So, it is now archaeologically proved that, contrary to what is presently held in the West, Agriculture first arose in the Far East, rather than in the Near East.
Now, this is the very region where I found Atlantis-Eden to have flourished during the Ice Age. As is clear, the scientific evidence keeps piling up. And a great many sacred traditions on the rise of Agriculture actually speak of Paradise, of the Garden of Eden as its actual source.
Now, this garden or grove was obviously a cultivated region, just as its name implies. The word “garden” implies a “cultivated ground”, a “grove” or “orchard”. This etymology further suggests that the name of the Garden of Eden is actually due to agriculture arising there.
It is very probable that most traces of this early agriculture have been effaced by the Flood, or permanently buried under the sea. This effacing happened at the end of the Ice Age, when sea level rose by an enormous 130 meters, flooding all coastal locations on earth for a width of 200 kilometers and more. But these sunken locations may still be found when we start to look in the right spots, particularly under the seas of Indo
nesia and the vicinal spots.
Once this truth is realized, these prehistoric locations will start to be found by the dozen or even the hundreds, as is already starting to happen in China, Japan, Korea, India, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and so on. The next step would consist in attempting to learn to communicate with the ancient Atlanteans and to really understand the sacred messages they bequeathed us in their myths, their rites and their holy books.
Part I - The True History of Atlantis
Men occasionally stumble over the truth. But most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.
Sir Winston Churchill
Chapter 1 – Indonesia as the True Site of Eden
Indra... killed the Dragon,
And unleashed the waters, And split open the bellies Of the mountains.
The Rig Veda (I:32)
Forewarning Note
The cataclysms of fire and water of worldwide extent of which we speak in this chapter are strictly scientific in nature and extent, in contrast to other proposals such as Pole Shift and a warm Ice Age Antarctica, which are both a geological and a physical impossibility.
Other recently proposed hypotheses, such as the one of the Mediterranean Sea being dry as recently as 11,600 years ago, or of Antarctica being warm during the Ice Age, also do not accord with what is known of earth’s geological past.
These unscientific hypotheses collide frontally with all sorts of empirical observations of the local marine sediments which have been conducted by thousands of experts over the last several years. Sedimentology leaves no doubt about the nature – marine or subaerial – of the seafloor deposits, refuting what these authors insistently affirm in their claims.