Atlantis the Lost Continent Finally Found Read online

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  More or less the same thing happened – except that it was in reverse – with the Aryans. They crossbred with the fair local Alpine races of Europe and the Near East, and became fairer themselves. And this is how the pristine Chamitic Dravidian “reds” of Atlantis engendered both the melanoid race of South India and the fair, white-skinned races of modern Europe and the Levant.

  Long considered an idle invention on the part of the Classical writers, the reality of these “white Ethiopians” cannot be doubted any longer. Their well-preserved mummies have recently been discovered in great numbers in the deserts of Mongolia and the Tarim Basin region, the site of the Chinese province of Xinjiang. Some of these mummies are so perfectly preserved that their red or fair hair and even their blue-eyes and tall stature can still be observed in perfect detail.

  And so can their wool clothes, often consisting of tartans quite like the ones of the Irish and other nations of Celtic Britain. It is perhaps worth remarking that the word “tartan” ultimately derives from Tartary (Tatary or Mongolia). This fact attests that, in earlier epochs, this type of material came from the Far East, being in all probability produced by the Seres or Tocharians.

  These White Huns were also called Hephthalites, an ethnonym of obscure meaning and origin. This name is, according to experts, perhaps related to the one of Naphtali, the son of Jacob. This Hebrew word means “wrestler, warrior”, and perhaps alludes to the role they had as mercenary soldiers in the Indian and other Far Eastern courts, Chinese included. ↑005

  If so, this etymology corresponds to the name of the Jews, apparently derived from the Sanskrit radix yudh, meaning exactly the same as in Hebrew. We will return to this important subject later on.

  This type of linguistic evidence leaves little room for doubting the Far Eastern origin of the white races, probably from (Far Eastern) Atlantis itself. From there these survivors of the cataclysm eventually passed to Southeast Asia, and then to China, and finally to Europe and the Near East.

  The term “White Island” has, as usual, a dual meaning. It refers both to the fact that the white races originated there and that this land was purified by fire, so that their denizens might improve and be restored to their pristine piety. To put it otherwise, we see that these peoples are the same as the Pious Ethiopians and, even more exactly, the Atlanteans in their pristine, unsullied purity.

  The name of the “White Island” is frequent in the traditions of many peoples. The Hindus called it Sveta-dvipa or Saka-dvipa, as we just discussed. And they also referred to their denizens as pitris (“dead ancestors”) or, more commonly, as agnishvatthas. This name refers to “those who sat too near the fire” and got burnt by it, becoming purified, more or less as happens to gold.

  The “fire” in question here is of course the mighty volcano of Indonesia, the ferocious Krakatoa which conflagrated the whole region of Indonesia in the dawn of time. And it is of course the same as the one which scorched the Ethiopians, the Berbers and the Libyans, as well as other such white or red races originally from the Far East.

  Many of these peoples were in fact restored to piety, just as seems to have been the case of the Tocharians and the Celts, to name just two. But most persisted in their vices and their barbarisms. Such seems to have been the case with the barbarous Berbers and the Yüeh-chi, a name that also means “barbarian” in Chinese. This name applied to the Hsiung-nu, the barbarians known in the west as “Huns”, and as Huna in ancient India. ↑006

  The name of the Yüeh-chi also seems to be related to the one used for the Jewish people, if one observes the close assonance of the two ethnonyms. These “barbarians” made persistent attacks against the Chinese, who were forced into building the famous Chinese Wall to protect themselves from the periodic, unprovoked raids and attacks of these ferocious horse-riding nomads and their fierce Mongolian allies.

  The word “barbar” ultimately derives from the Sanskrit, and refers to the “balbutiating” tongue these barbarians spoke. And this term invari-

  ably applied to the speakers of Dravidian based tongues such as Berber (Tamazight), Guanche, Etruscan, Pelasgian, and so forth.

  Some experts even identify these bellicose peoples with Gog and Magog, also said to have lived in the very same region of the world, as attested in the Alexander Romances, etc..

  We also encounter “White Island” or “White Land” in the name of Sukhavati, the Western Paradise of Buddha Amitabha. Its western location of course implies the idea already argued that it is placed at the world’s divide, between the East and the West.

  Sukhavati literally means “abounding in delights”. But these “delights” are in fact sweetmeats, the Sanskrit word sukha playing with śukra (“sugar, white”), of which it is a corruption. Ultimately, the meaning of the name Sukhavati plays with the word Kandhava (“candy bar”), another name for Paradise Destroyed in the ancient Hindu traditions.

  The name of Aztlán, the Aztec Paradise, is also said to mean “land of purity”; “white land” by several experts. And the same is also true of Yvymaraney, the “Pure Land” or Paradise of the Tupi-Guarani Indians of Brazil. The Navajo Indians of North America also refer to a White Island in connection with Paradise, as I comment in my Atlantis site. And so did the ancient Greeks with the Leukades (“White Islands”), which they too equated with Paradise Destroyed.

  This list could be increased further. But the above should suffice to prove the diffusion of the myth of Paradise Lost to all corners of the world: India, China, Tibet, Mongolia, America, Europe, Oceania, and so forth. And, as we just commented, this universal diffusion could only have happened in Pleistocenic times or shortly after, when the Beringian Passage was still open, allowing this type of intercommunication.

  Plato’s Atlantis Was a Tropical Paradise Even During the Ice Age

  It is true, as several researchers have claimed, that Atlantis was in fact located to the west of Gibraltar, very much as Plato affirmed. But the philosopher did not specify how far to the west. In fact, Plato apparently meant the far shore of the Ocean which, to the ancient Europeans, included the Pacific Ocean and invariably meant the East Indies.

  Even though Plato may be ambiguous in his statement of this fact – actually a double entendre – Diodorus Siculus is very explicit on the subject. So were the ancient Celts, who invariably sited Paradise on the far bank of the Ocean, in Defrobani (Taprobane) itself.

  However, we must also keep in mind the “western” location of the Paradise of Buddha Amitabha, as well as the western route chosen by Christopher Columbus when heading to the East Indies. Columbus’ belief was based on many ancient authorities, and should not be easily dismissed.

  And it is a fact that the farthest west is coterminous with the farthest east, so that both lie in one and the same location, at “the farthest fringes of the world”. Where the East ends, in China and Indonesia, the West begins, and vice-versa, as is clear.

  Nor should we forget the detailed references and quotations we make when discussing this crucial issue further in the main text of the present book. It is this propensity of overlooking such obvious facts that has led to the persistent failures of all or most Atlantologists so far, who insist on looking for Atlantis in the vicinity of Gibraltar, as if Plato’s words could not be interpreted otherwise.

  Moreover, it is important to keep in mind the fact that the ancients – the mendacious Phoenicians in particular – created a whole lot of phony Atlantises just about everywhere in the world, the region around Gibraltar in particular.

  These phony Paradises mainly served to confound the competition about the real source of the precious merchandise they peddled to the west: the East Indian commodities such as ivory, precious woods, metals, gemstones, dyes, drugs, perfumes and so forth.

  Besides, the secret kept on the true location of Paradise’s remains also served to prevent the greedy from desecrating the sacred place. This was the site of Eden, of Paradise turned into the much feared Hades, the Land of the Dead. Only the initiates kn
ew it truly to be in Taprobane, also the site of the Otherworld of the Hindus and the Islands of the Blest of the Greeks, the Celts and the Phoenicians, among other peoples.

  In his dialogues on Atlantis, Plato left us such a convincing description of this primordial paradise that few people are able to believe that he was inventing or even embellishing some more ordinary everyday events and locations.

  Though Plato’s texts are unfortunately short and his planned trilogy or tetralogy was left unfinished, the two short pieces that remained abound in detailed geographical and geological facts, in very precise dates, in architectonic details, and so on.

  Anyone who reads Plato’s fascinating texts on Atlantis, the Timaeus and the Critias – a few dozen pages only, available on the Internet links just given, both in English and in the Greek original – will probably become convinced that they cannot but refer to anything other than the description of a land that once actually existed, apparently during the Ice Age, when global temperatures were fully 15o cooler than today, and the present temperate regions were unbearably cold. ↑007

  Despite this circumstance, Plato’s Atlantis is a tropical paradise abounding in all sorts of wonders and riches: extensive plains and beautiful fields, dales and mountains; gemstones and metals of every sort, both precious and common; scented woods, perfumes and dyes of a very high value; abundant rivers, lakes and irrigation canals; a most productive agriculture; golden palaces and silvery walls and citadels; elephants and wild animals of all kinds, etc..

  But how could Atlantis be deemed a tropical Paradise actually existing during the Ice Age except by being located at the equatorial region, given the fact that earth’s now temperate regions were then either covered by ice or totally desiccated due to the absence of rain?

  Plato also speaks of temples of unsurpassed richness and beauty, made of solid gold and silver and of hoards of these precious metals and of gemstones which no other nation would ever match.

  When we look closer into this matter, it is easy to realize that most of these riches were characteristic of the East Indies, and, specifically, of Indonesia. Indonesia is actually the site of the fabulous “Spice Islands” (or Moluccas), a name whose mere mention caused the brows of the ancient adventurers and explorers to burn with gold fever at the mere thought of the enormous profits to be made there.

  It is strange that no researcher ever pointed out these close parallels between Atlantis and the East Indies (Paradise) before. Perhaps people are all blinded by the obsession that “If it is Atlantis, its gotta be located somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean”. But is this true?

  The fact is that we must clearly understand what the ancients really meant by names such as “Ocean of Atlantis”, the real name of this ocean or sea. As we shall see, this name encompassed both the Atlantic Ocean proper and its two main extensions, the Indian and the Pacific Oceans of modern times, one towards the west, the other one towards the east.

  In antiquity – and down to the times of Christopher Columbus himself – the modern Atlantic Ocean was considered the Pacific’s western extension, and the Indian Ocean its eastern extension. In the figures section of this book we demonstrate this fact with both actual maps and ancient texts such as the well-known world charts owed to Eratosthenes and Strabo, the famous Greek geographers.

  As reported in some detail by Plato, the mighty Atlantean empire came to a sudden end in the course of their great war against the Athenians, who were apparently allied to other Greeks, to the ancient Egyptians, and to several other ancient peoples.

  During the course of these battles, the ground caved in – probably due to a giant volcanism – and opened up, engulfing the two contending armies en masse, as reported by Plato. All this happened “in the course of a single night and a day of pain” according to the great philosopher.

  In consequence, the whole island sank away and disappeared permanently under the waters of the sea. Ever since that time – some 11,600 years ago, as affirmed by Plato – Atlantis has lain on the bottom of the ocean that once bore its name, of Atlantic Sea.

  But this name was later transferred, through a great series of mistakes and confusions, to the oceanic water body that now bears it and is located between Europe and Africa on one side, and the Americas on the other, the modern Atlantic Ocean.

  The disappearance of Atlantis was so thorough that even its former existence became utterly forgotten. But its memory survived in the sacred oral traditions of all or most peoples on earth, especially the Phoenicians, the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Hindus.

  It fell to Plato to restore the legend to the realm of reality, perhaps basing himself on the secret traditions of the Mysteries. These secrets were only told to the initiates themselves, vowed to secrecy under pain of death. This crime – called “impiety” – consisted in divulging to the profanes the real contents of the secret of the Mysteries.

  And a great many people paid with their lives for this crime of breaking the code of secrecy. The most notorious of these were Socrates and Cicero, who both paid the ultimate price. Even Plato himself had to flee Athens in order to escape the death penalty due to his unauthorized disclosures. And so also Aeschylus, Seneca, Alcibiades, and even Aristotle, to name only a few of the many victims of the ancient code of conduct.

  It is quite likely that the anti-Atlantis stance of most scientists and intellectuals ultimately derives from this ancient legislation which somehow seems to be still in force today one way or the other. With the advent of Christianity, this sort of ferocious censorship was pursued by the Holy Inquisition and its many counterparts all over the world.

  In a way, the “heresy” of people such as Leonardo da Vinci, Giordano Bruno, Tommaso Campanella, Pico de la Mirandola, Galileo Galilei and a host of other such intellectuals of the Renaissance was ultimately connected with the theme of Atlantis. And so were the “heresies” of Gnostics such as the Cathars and the Bogomils, not to mention the Amerindians themselves, exterminated by the millions.

  The resurgence of Atlantis started during the Renaissance, with the foundation of Plato’s Academy in Florence by Marsilio Ficino and Pico de la Mirandola. And this revival of Classicism eventually led to the proposals of adventurers such as Christopher Columbus and other heirs of the Gnostic traditions who well knew that the remains of Paradise Lost were located in the East Indies.

  However, no one who really studies the story of Christopher Columbus and his “accidental” discovery of America will fail to realize the obvious fact that he was inspired by the ancient reports on Golden Paradises such as Marco Polo’s Cipango; Plato’s Atlantis; Solomon’s Ophir; the fabulous Atlantic Islands of the medieval geographers, the Eldorado of the Amerinds, and so on.

  As we just said, the great Renaissance explorer never doubted that these fabulous islands and partly sunken continents lay in the East Indies, the real focus of Columbus’ and other navigations. No matter what, no wise academic or professional expert ignores that the theme of Atlantis is taboo, and can only be treated negatively, with scorn and haughtiness.

  Very few academics, if any, are willing to risk their careers, their positions and the cozy grants they get in pursuit of this type of tabooed research, ill-favored by the entire community. Indeed, who has ever heard of a serious scientific expedition being mounted or funded by scientific or academic institutions or government funding agencies in order to research Atlantis and its vicinal seas?

  Their justification – no one ever admits cowardice or greed as a reason – is that the very possibility of accepting the reality of Atlantis would inevitably result in the need of a thorough revision of human sciences such as Anthropology and History, not to mention the many ancillary disciplines such as Linguistics, Archaeology, Evolution, Paleoanthropology, Mythology and perhaps even Religion itself.

  These academic disciplines are all neatly separated into several different isolated niches, and hardly interact one with the other anymore. So, they never come in conflict among themselves, creating a very comfortable
assurance to all who labor in teaching or in research, as I myself did for so many years before I finally retired in order to dedicate myself fully to the research of Atlantis-Eden.

  Well, it now seems that the story of Atlantis has finally come full circle, returning to its very start, and beginning anew. If the extremely fertile


  plains and the golden temples and palaces of Atlantis really existed – as affirmed by Plato and Diodorus, among others – they must exist somewhere on earth, either below the ground or beneath the waves of the ocean.

  More hopefully, some remains of Atlantis will be found in the former highlands of the great empire, the ones which remained above the waters after the great cataclysm that ended the Ice Age and caused its enduring demise. And if they exist, they can be found, provided we start looking in the right places, instead of the wrong ones, as we have all been doing so far.

  My discovery of the true location of Atlantis and of the actual geological mechanism which caused the submersion of the Lost Continent in the Great Flood is admittedly only a start.

  But every journey, no matter how long, starts with the first step, as the philosopher Lao Tzé once taught. Well, I have taken that first stride. And I hope that at least some of my readers will bear with me and read my words attentively and with an open mind, accepting at least some of them in whole or in part.

  Atlantis has gained a lot of public recognition lately. A great plethora of new books and researches – some valid and serious, some no more than obvious scams intended to make a fast buck – have recently been published on the subject of Atlantis. And its name is now very often in the press and in the media, as is easy to verify directly.

  The Internet has about ten million sites bearing the word “Atlantis” or its equivalents in other languages (Atlántida, Atlântida, Atlantida, Atlantide, and so forth). And its myth has undergone a revival, perhaps stirred by my own publications on the issue. My Atlantis site on the Internet alone has received over 2.5 million visits within the last few years, since it was posted.